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23.2.2023, 10:41


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Diablo 4 is now available across mobile devices

23.2.2023, 10:39 Odpowiedzi: 16
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is now available across mobile devices and PC it's a much earlier than scheduled release date for the controversial Blizzard game. The central issue in the debate surrounding Diablo 4 is the game's hefty use of microtransactions and randomized rewards. However, it appears another controversy may yet be bubbling up. There is evidence that cheating has already made its way into Diablo 4 less than a full day after the game's launch on PC.<br><br>A handful of videos taken from Twitch streamer wudijo seem to reveal a powerful cheating technique employed in the The Diablo 4's PvP mode 8v8 Battleground. The clips demonstrate the play of a Necromancer named Burn making use of a cheater to allow players to use their Bone Spikes ability with no cooldown, effectively turning the ability into a channeled one which can do immense damage. There's no clear indication of how the Necromancer can do the cheat, but they're capable of doing it repeatedly, proving that the cheat was deliberate.<br><br>Twitch streamer wudijo battles Burn in multiple games on both sides, as their teammate and their opponent. In one of the clips, the Necromancer can use the cheater to take out a Sacred Guardian as the PvE mob that has to be defeated in order for the team to advance. In what would take an additional 30 seconds to beat the Necromancer can kill in just 2 seconds. When faced with the Necromancer in a battle, wudijo also dies in the same amount of time. However, since the cheat demands the Necromancer to remain in place and wudijo's team has the ability to kill him through trade.<br><br>The cheating Necromancer wasn't found just in Widijo's games, too. A user posted a screenshot on Reddit showing Burn cheating in their PvP match, as well. While this player, Burn, has shown they've found a means to play around in
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. if others are cheating as well, there's no evidence that has been shared with the community so far.</p><p><br></p><div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: 312px; top: 227px;"><div class="gtx-trans-icon"></div></div><p class="sceditor-nlf"><br></p>